Established in the 2000s, PH Group today is growing.


Sometimes, it becomes hard to figure out when the next cash will flow into our accounts. Yes, it also depends on our debtors to honour their promises. Whether it’s for small business or personal need, PH MICRO CREDIT will be able to help you out. Our  in-depth understanding of finance help you to have that cash to solve the exact emergency situation you are face with. Your problem is the reason we exist in business so talk to us and we will surely show you the difference between us and others in the market.


At PH AGRO INPUT SERVICES, we believed the backbone of Africa and for that matter Ghana lies in the field of agriculture. We have come to understand the need to partner with the relevant stakeholders to take advantage of the ever growing and/or changing technological world to feed our people.


Who says transportation is luxury? It is not but rather a necessity. That is why you need to talk to the expert right now so we can arrange your very means of transportation for your movements. Our job is to deliver to your door step the vehicle of your choice.  Our aim is to become the number one stop shop for all kinds of vehicles.


Insurance gives peace of mind but how exactly does this work? That is exactly the reason PH Insurance services has been born. Our In depth understanding of risk help us to sit down and give you the best advice. Life is all about risk and we need to manage these risks in our everyday life. We pride ourselves as risk experts and we are sure to give you the best before, during and after a loss. The founders of this group have over 70 years combined experience when it comes to risk management. No one understands the word “Insurance Claims” more than us. The founders of this group have spent a considerable of their corporate life in the claims departments of the various insurance companies they worked with; interacting with both local and international experts. They were responsible for the settlement of about 70% of all major insurance related disasters in this country for the past 10 years including the flood of 2011 and 3rd June 2015.

Be it your smallest assets to corporate properties including insurance of personal in terms of health insurance , please talk to us .

We will arrange all type of insurance for you.

PH Group

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